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Song Playing is "I Will Always Love You"

Touched by Love

I knew I have been touched by love...
the first time I saw you
and I felt your warmth and heard your laughter.

I knew I had been touched by love...
when I was hurting from
something that happened,
and you came along
and made the hurt go away.

I knew I had been touched by love...
when I quit making plans with my friends
and started dreaming dreams with you...

I knew I had been touched by love....
when I stopped thinking in terms of "me"
and started thinking in terms of "we".

I knew I had been touched by love....
when suddenly I couldn't
make decisions by myself anymore,
and I had this strong desire
to share everything with you.

I knew I had been touched by love....
the first time we spent alone together
and I knew I wanted to stay
with you forever...
because I had never
felt this touched by love.

By Lindsay Newman

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