My Special Thank You

In this day and age and fast pace living, we sometimes forget to say "Thanks" to those who deserve it.

I wanted to thank everyone who has come to our site and signed our guestbook amd taken the time to email me with kind, loving words, I have met some of the most wonderful people right here on the net.

This site was made out of love for my brother, Mike and his daughter, Alexis, and my Family, and also his Friend Jeremy and for everyone out there in the world.  I have received so many wonderful emails and guestbook signings, that I wanted to make SURE you know how so very much it means to me. So, I hope this "Thank You" says it all.

I really wanted to show my appreciation and by thanking all of those who visit is my special way of saying I appreciate you visiting and to say "Thank You!
God Bless"

" Thank you" is one of those wonderful phrases
people use to express a special gratitude.

But there's often a lot more to it
than those two words can say.

When it comes from the heart,
from deep inside the nicest feelings
and the most special thoughts,
Thank you" means so much.
It means thank you for taking the time
to show that you care.
It means "you really made my day,"
and sometimes it means that
you really make all the days so much better.
It means you make me feel so nice,
and I wish I could do the same for you...
just by letting you know how much you mean to me.

"Thank you" means you didn't have to...
but I'm so grateful that you did.
Thank you" means that you've done something special
that I'll never forget.
Chris Gallatin

I want to "Thank You" all for touching my life and making a difference.

Post a link to your Web Site in my Free-For-All Links page... Click Here.


If you are planning on leaving, please don't forget to sign our guestbook. Thanks!!

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