Justin's Welcome

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Song Playing is
"Now And Forever"

The following is a list of information you should read before applying for any of Justin's Racing Car Awards.

Awards Justin's Racing Cars Offers
Criteria for Awards
Instructions for applying for an award
Applying for an Award

Justin's Great Site Award
Justin's Award Of Excellence

Criteria for Awards

The Criteria for my awards are as follows:

1) Your web site must not have nudity, any
pornographic material or bad language on it.
No Hate, Anger or Discrimination is allowed
on the site.

2) Your site must be considered a safe site for
anyone to visit (including children)...in other words
the contents of your site should be suitable for
any web surfer of any age.

3) You MUST have a Child's Page on your site

4) Please Sign Our Guestbook!

Instructions for applying for an award

I request the following to be included in your e-mail
when requesting an award
1) Your Site Name
2) Your Site URL and
3) Which award/s you are applying for.

Applying for an Award

(Click on Car to apply)
Click On Car To Apply For Award(Click on car to apply)


Justin's Great Site Award

Justin's Great Site Award

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Justin's Award Of Excellence

Justin's Award Of Excellence

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[ Justin's Awards - Apply For One ]

If you are planning on leaving, please don't forget to sign our guestbook. Thanks!!

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