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Song Playing is "I Will Always Love You"

I Wish for You

I wish you the courage to be warm
when the world would prefer that you
be cool.
I wish you success sufficient to your
needs I wish you failure to
temper that success.
I wish you joy in all your days; I
wish you sadness so that you
may better measure joy,
I wish you gladness to overbalance
I wish you humor and a twinkle in
the eye.
I wish you glory and the strength to
bear its burdens.
I wish you sunshine on your path
and storms to season your journey....
I wish you peace ~ in the world in
which you lie and in the
smallest corner of the heart
where truth is ketp.
I wish you faith ~ to help define
your living and your life.
More I cannot wish you ~ except
perhaps love ~ to make all
the rest worthwhile.

By Robert A. Ward.

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