Song Playing is "I Will Always
Love You"
Poems to My Sons
Here is where you'll find great poems
to my sons.
Always remember to tell them every
day that you love them.
Before you know it, they will be too big to tell them and they will be
on their own.
A friend who's children are all growen up and have moved out, told me;
" I miss them. I miss everything about them...when a kiss,
a cuddle, a hug could make everything alright.
I miss their laughter, their tears and yes, even their noise."
For a house is only a home when there is the rattle of small children running
around. I guess no matter how many children you have....we all must face
the day when they become old enough to move out and start their own lives.
We prepare them for this and yet when that day's so hard to
finally let go.
This section is dedicated to you my two wonderful sons - Justin and Zachary.
Even if a day should go
when I don't say "I love you...."
May never a moment go by
without you knowing I do.
By Daniel Haughian
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