Poems To My Son Banner

Song Playing is "I Will Always Love You"

Child of Mine

It's been so gratifying
for me to see you
go through such positive changes
and inner growth.
Your happiness is contagious,
and I'm so happy for you....
to see you becoming
a strong individual
and doing all the right things
to make your days ahead
shine even brighter.

It's been great for me
to watch you grow
and to become
even more of that special someone
you are....inside.....

Through your growing and changing,
I want to ask that you
take me along with you.
I don't mean that I want you
to tell me every thought
you have along the way,
but to remember that I am here....
wherever and whenever you need me.
And I hope that you'll remember
that I'm on your side.
And even if I can't always help you win,
there will never be a day
when I won't be cheering you on.

By Laine Parsons

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